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  • info@nayipehal.in

Who We are?

Appalled by the reality of 31 million orphans in India and shocked by the condition of institutions housing them, and the harsh conditions of voiceless on streets , a few kind hearted youngsters came together in March 2014 to take serious action effecting positive changes in the lives of voiceless on streets , underprivileged children, their families and communities. This obsession was the seed which sprouted as Nayi Pehal Welfare Society – which was registered in 2015, as a Welfare society. NPWS is comprised of 5 Board members and 8 members. Initially we started out “Nayi Pehal” by feeding voiceless on streets all over our city Panipat , gradually we moved further towards helping homeless people. Being a social organization, Children, their families and the community become the target group for Nayi Pehal Welfare society’s activities. The journey had many hurdles but Nayi Pehal’s dynamism and your unflinching support helped sustain it.

What We Do?

  • We feed stray Animals.
  • We provide First-Aid treatment to Stray Animals.
  • We rescue injured animals.
  • We provide free crane service to rescue large animals.
  • We provide blankets to homeless people in winter.
  • We provide study material to underprivileged children.
  • We provide clothes to underprivileged children.
  • We provide food stuff to old age home.
  • We provide clothes to orphanage according to season.
  • We donate food stuff to orphanage.
  • We spread awareness among children to make them more compassionate.
  • We distribute clay bowels for stray Animals and Birds.
  • We motivate others to feed strays.